Security is a cornerstone of our digital world, and it's a challenge we face head-on with the help of our dedicated security research community. Our Vulnerability Disclosure Program (VDP) signifies our openness to collaboration and our commitment to the security of our company and our solutions.
This Hall of Fame page is our way of saying thank you. It's here we recognize the efforts of individuals whose insights have helped us improve the security of our systems. Each name listed is a testament to the spirit of collaboration and the shared goal of bettering our digital ecosystem.
To all the security researchers mentioned below, we are grateful for your support. Your contributions have made a significant difference, and we look forward to continuing our journey towards enhanced security together.
Thank you for your dedication and commitment to a secure digital ecosystem.
The Hall of Fame list is being compiled. All entries from 20.02.2024 (start of VDP) will be listed here in the future.
- Gaurang Maheta, 2 confirmed vulnerability reports relating to the corporate website.